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I am a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) who is passionate about helping individuals move towards a life of value and meaning. I’ve been doing so in the Chicagoland area for over 20 years. I became a therapist to help move people from feeling stuck in life towards a life of value and action. As a therapis and certified personal trainer (National Academy of Sports Medicine) I have seen how our thoughts can impact our struggles, our successes, and our enjoyment in life.

I earned my Bachelor’s degree in Psychology from North Park University and my Master of Social Work Degree from Loyola University Chicago. Outside of my therapy practice, I have also provided counseling in hospitals, schools, and community health centers. My diverse background has given me the ability to work with clients struggling with a wide array of issues including anxiety, depression, adjustment issues, family issues, school issues and low self esteem. I believe that my relational yet direct approach helps clients to meet their goals and to more positively engage in life. Contact me to discuss my services further.


Contact Today

1103 Westgate Suite 205
Oak Park, IL 60301

(773) 710-0062

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